Small Steps, Big Gains

Three years ago today, I made the decision to climb Mount Kilimanjaro.

Fun fact - I didn’t know exactly where in the world it was located at the time. All I knew was when I closed my eyes, I could clearly see myself at the summit and that was enough.

When I made the commitment, I had no idea what the training plan would be like or the specifics of the itinerary or the gear I would need or how I would raise money for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society When I realized what I’d committed to and realized how big it felt, I remember thinking holy moly what have I done?!?

I was overwhelmed.

So, I decided to break things down into categories - training, travel, fundraising, gear - and I began by taking one small step at a time to get me one step closer to my goal.

I requested the training plan. I made a list of ideas for fundraisers. I spent over an hour at my local REI trying on backpacks until I found the right one. I hiked. I ran. I stretched. I journaled. I researched. I booked my plane ticket…and so much more.

Every small step was progress toward the summit.

Over a period of 1 year and 7 months, my travel dates were adjusted three times, within months of my departure date each time.

I let go of control and trusted the process. I believed it would all come together. I believed that all the work, all the time, all the sweat and tears would be worth the journey. And my God, were they ever.

On February 21, 2021, I summited Mount Kilimanjaro with our team. It literally took me thousands of extremely small steps just to get to that summit over six days and thousands more to descend back down over the next two.

Every single step was worth it. The top of that mountain was the closest to Heaven I have ever felt.

If I had let the overwhelm take over or let it become TOO BIG in my mind, that might have been all it took for me to be defeated.

But I didn’t.

What is one thing you want to do or achieve, but it just feels too big, too hard, or too overwhelming? What is one small step you can take today to get closer to your goal?

Once you have identified your goal, start by breaking it down into bite-sized, digestible steps. Think small here, not big. Make a list of the steps you identify knowing you can add to or adjust that list later. Progress, not perfection here! For now, just get it all out of your head and onto paper. Then, take action. Start. Do SOME thing TODAY to begin moving yourself forward and gaining positive momentum. Stay consistent each day that follows. Continue to tackle one of those small steps on your list knowing that each step you take, each action you take, is leading you forward, closer to your ultimate goal.

You’ve got this. Get out there and do it!


New Beginnings


Reduce Overwhelm with the 4 D’s