Divorce Was My Open Door

This piece was originally published by The Kindred Voice on September 8, 2020. The Kindred Voice makes women feel seen and supported by sharing stories from women around the world proving that we are not alone in our experiences.

I wrote this piece on the evening of May 28, 2020 while sitting on the same “hard, wooden bar stool in my kitchen” that I write about. As I sat there having my dinner, I could feel my fingers eager to type out the words to this story just as fast as the words were flooding into my brain. So I pushed my plate to the site, grabbed my laptop, and started writing.

Like all my writing, this comes directly from my heart and soul. When I re-read the piece just this week, it all came flooding back to me…the emotions, the cold kitchen floor, the gravity of it all that I felt at the time…and I was once again reminded that even through the most difficult, challenging times in our lives, there is an open door just waiting to be found.

I hope when you read my full story here, you too are reminded that you can always pick yourself back up, find your open door, and take as many steps as you need to to cross that threshold and move forward into your field of endless opportunity.


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