Thoughts Become Things

Mantras have REALLY helped me work through some tough stuff, especially over the last few weeks. I take the small windows of opportunity that unfold each day (when I wake, as I can during the work/school day, and in the evening before bed) to frame and maintain my mindset. 

Today I am sharing two of my personal favorites in hopes that maybe these will help you too.

The first is a breathing exercise...
✨As you inhale, fill your soul with (hope/love/calm) and as you exhale let go of (doubt/fear/chaos)✨

The second is something I came up with while standing on the deck of my hotel room overlooking the ocean in Bermuda, literally moments before I walked out of that hotel rooms to come home. I have since repeated it to myself and out loud countless time. 

It goes like this...

I am strong💕
I am in perfect health💕
My body is a miracle💕

These are overwhelming, unknown, difficult times for us all. We find ourselves wondering what tomorrow will bring, with much of that being out of our control. 

Save that energy you’re spending on the “what if’s” and the downward spiral and shift it to focus on things you CAN your mindset. 

Remember, thoughts become things.

inhale calm exhale doubt mantra.jpg

Take One More Step Forward


Music: Love For Our Soul