Quiet Your Anxiety

guest house by rumi.jpg

The timing of my finding this Rumi poem, “Guest House”, just yesterday was insane. I had just had a conversation with a friend about ALL of the emotions we are experiencing during this pandemic. It’s like my (super super smart) phone heard me and said oh hey, check this out. Weird right?🙄😜

More and more people that I am connecting with, catching up with, and checking in on are sharing with me that they find themselves feeling anxious right now, understandably so.

It got me thinking about my own experiences with anxiety, now and in the past, and how I have learned to manage it, how I recognize anxiety coming on, when it typically rears it’s ugly head for me, and things that work for me to move through it and quiet that feeling before it overwhelms me, takes over, and causes me to spiral, crash, and burn. 

⬆️Because THAT does not feel good⬆️
Am I right?! 

With that, I thought I’d get vulnerable and share a silly trick that works for me in hopes that I am able to help someone, even just one of YOU, reading this. 

So what works for me? 

First and foremost, at the first physical sign (that I pick up on😉) of anxiety or nervous energy popping up (foot tapping, upset stomach, tightening in the chest or throat, body temperature rising, hives...you get the picture), I stop whatever I am doing and come back to my breath. 


I close my eyes if I can, take slow, deep breaths in through my nose and out through my mouth. Usually within moments, I feel the physical sign(s) fading and within minutes they have typically been put to rest. 

Now for my seemingly silly yet extremely effective trick...

I find a small, smooth rock and place it in my hand between my thumb and pointer finger...and then I rub the rock with my thumb. 

So simple. Sounds ridiculous. Completely works...for me. 

I also do this with a rock in my pocket when I don’t feel like being as obvious. In fact, most days I leave my house with one of my “worry rocks” already in my pocket, just in case I need it!

These “worry rocks” help me let out some of the nervous energy and anxiety that I’m feeling and I find it helps calm me down and ground me again.✨

We all handle different situations...well, differently. Right now, it seems many of us are experiencing this rapid fire of emotions day to day to include anxiety. 

💕Please know, you are not alone in how you feel...and please know there are ways that YOU TOO can manage your feelings and take back your “control”💕

If you can’t find a worry rock of your own and want to give my silly trick a try, hit me up. I will mail you one...no questions asked.


Go Inside


Just Start