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It’s What’s Inside That Counts

I’m sipping a glass of Pinot Noir, overlooking the gorgeous pink sand beaches of Bermuda, looking out the window watching the waves crash...and something catches my eye.

The reflection in the glass window.

It’s showing me what’s inside...plants blowing in the breeze...white lights decorating the interior... candles on each table...sheer white curtains lining each window. 

The view of the ocean and the sounds of the waves crashing is absolutely breathtaking, but it’s the inside of this place, the “bones”, that have really caught my attention. 

The people are beautiful. The service is impeccable. No detail has gone unattended. There is LOVE.❤️

And I think to myself, isn’t it what’s on the inside that counts? 

✨If you really know me, you know I’ll talk to anyone...because I’m curious. Curious to know what makes them tick. Curious to know how they got where they are now. Curious to know...well, everything✨

I’ve been fortunate to meet a lot of people in this life I get to live. And most of them have been kind, good humans, doing the best they know how. Some have been absolutely exceptional. Every story shared has been what I call “classic”. And ALL have been “interesting”. 

💥There was Chris...a truck driver I met while having a drink, waiting to meet a blind date. I’d guess a lot of people, females in particular, wouldn’t engage with Chris...but I was curious. 
Behind his exterior was a super kind, huge hearted guy. He shared with me his adventures of his 28 year career driving truck, the people he had met (including Willie Nelson), and that he did it all...ALL THE MILES...to support his family and his wife’s family. He was so beautiful inside. 

💥There was Joe...a man I met on a layover in Chicago while traveling for business. Joe was a sales guy for these crazy tires that drag racers use, a dad to four grown kids, and a husband to a wife battling breast cancer. Our conversation started off so simple...What do you do? Where are you headed today? Do you have kids?
...And as we talked about his family, Joe shared with me the struggle he was experiencing, the hurt he felt, and he cried, and he reminded me to treasure my time with loved ones because you just don’t know. He shared with me that he would do ANYTHING to cure the cancer that was attacking his wife of 37 years. He was absolutely beautiful.

I share these thoughts because, often times I think we are too quick to judge based solely on ones outer appearance. And I think when we do that, myself included, we miss an opportunity to really see what’s inside...to really SEE that other individual. 

Some of the most “beautiful” people I’ve met have also been the “ugliest” on the inside.

💕Give others a chance. 

💕They’re humans, just like you and I. 

💕They’re doing the best with the hand they’ve been dealt. 

💕They want to be heard. They want to feel seen. 

To some, they may not appear “beautiful” on the outside, but my god, get curious and you just might find that they are SO beautiful on the inside...and at the end of this thing we call life, isn’t THAT what matters? 🦋

It’s what’s inside that counts💫