Spread Good

While many of us are confined to our own four walls right now juggling remotely working (perhaps for the very first time), remote schooling, relationships suddenly put into very close quarters, uncertainty, and ALL the things, it can become easy to FEEL.... easy to feel overwhelmed, angry, upset, disconnected, depressed, alone.

When we look back on this crazy time, I’d venture to guess that none of us will forget how we personally felt going through so much, so quickly, so unexpectedly. 

And that makes me think about the people around me, whether that be my little ones here with me sharing space, or friends, family, coworkers, or ALL of the special individuals that make up my larger community❤️

How am I making them FEEL? 

How are they making me FEEL? 

The day before I was heading home from vacation last week, my amazing friend who is like family messaged me offering to pick up some groceries and leave them at my house for when I arrived. She made me FEEL loved. 

When I started my new job earlier this week having met nobody in person, knowing my new co-workers were in the midst of their own shit suddenly working remote with little ones at home, and they were all so kind, and so helpful, and so available to onboard me, it made me FEEL connected. 

When I FaceTimed with my best friend of 30+ years and we caught up and we laughed and we shared, it made me FEEL happy. 

When my son turned to me after day one of online school and said, “Mom, today was a really hard day for me. I’m not used to this school at home stuff”...and I said, “I had a hard day too buddy. Let’s talk about it. We will try different things tomorrow”...I think he FELT heard and understood. 

When I reached out to check on a close friend in town who can’t even leave for groceries due to illness and risk and offered to bring him groceries or anything he needed and told him we will FaceTime every couple of days, I think he FELT loved and FEELS that he is not alone. 

YOU are not alone. 

In fact, as I have said so many times...

Make others feel loved, not judged.  
Make others feel appreciated, not taken advantage of. 
Make others feel seen, not unseen.
Make others feel heard, not ignored. 
Make others feel connected, not alone. 

In helping others feel the “good”, you will find you feel it too. 

Today and everyday, even when this shit has ended, remember that YOU get the choice and the chance to make someone else FEEL...some way. 

They WILL remember how you made them feel.

Make it be “good” in some way...calm or happy or loved or heard or accepted or connected💫

💕I am so grateful today and always for ALL of YOU that are part of my community and make me FEEL all the “good”.

Let’s keep doing THAT for one another💕

people never forget how you made them feel .jpg

Music: Love For Our Soul


The Time Is Now