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Keep Moving Forward

Covered in sweat from my workout, I decide to make my way down to the beach, soak my legs in the cool, salty water, and take a walk to cool down. 

I’m wearing my favorite workout tank from Her Tribe Athletics proclaiming my thoughts for the day to “keep moving forward”💕

As I walk along the ocean, I spot a figure in the distance perched a top a giant rock smack dab in the middle of the beach...and I think to myself, I will sit there tomorrow for sunrise (which I do). 

✨It is beautiful✨This person is beautiful✨Sitting there✨So high up✨Soaking up the sun✨Staring out into the ocean✨So peaceful✨

I keep moving forward.

At one point I find myself knee deep in the waves, letting the salt heal my beat up calves that have just run for an hour in the heat 🌊

At another point, I am playing with a chocolate lab, laughing as he runs and jumps and kisses me, so happy to be free on the beach, playing in the water, having time out with his “people”❤️

And at yet another, I am sitting in the sand near tears trying to make sense of the overwhelming emotion I am feeling😔

💥It’s a crazy, chaotic time, full of unknown, full of fear, full of worry, and lack of control

Here I am, in Bermuda, in this gorgeous place, heaven on earth, and at home there is absolute chaos occurring with THE virus. 

I feel guilty for a moment. I miss my little ones. I think “why did I come?” and “I should be home” ...and then, as I watch the waves rise and fall like my emotions, the feeling passes because...
💫Here I am. I am here. I am here now. And it is beautiful. And I choose to embrace it and soak in the calm and the peace. ALL OF IT.💫

As I turn to walk back, I notice a stair case leading up from the beach to...I don’t know where, but I want to know...so I veer right unexpectedly, following my gut to explore. 

As I approach, there he is...the figure from the top of the rock. He is smiling at me. I sense a warmth about him. And as I approach, he says to me, in a slight accent, “I like your message...Keep moving forward. I have been focused on leaving behind the past, what has happened...I am focused on the now, the good, and moving forward with happiness and peace. There is so much good in this life. You know? I love what you say, to keep moving forward. I love your message.” 

And I just stood there smiling, shaking my head agreeing while tears welled up in my eyes...and I thought, yes, I do know 💕

Someone out there needs to hear YOUR message. 

📣 Share it. Wear it. Speak it. 📣

❤️Today, mine is this....while we continue to navigate through these unchartered waters, through the unknown, through the chaos, let us have empathy, compassion, love, and kindness. Let us come together in our communities to lend a helping hand and share resources. Let us KEEP MOVING FORWARD TOGETHER...with love and care❤️