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I Feel Glorious

I remember a time when things felt so dark, dead-end, and down I wasn’t even sure of what next step to take. 

So I got quiet. I got still. I got really, really clear on the FACT that I would find the light and I got really, really clear on where I wanted to go next in this journey called life. 

It was not an easy time. It was difficult...extremely difficult. At times I felt paralyzed...until I didn’t. 

Once I made up my mind, once I got clear, I set my mindset gears to positivity, growth, strength, intentionally creating happy, and massive forward momentum, the floodgates opened and I have never looked back except to remember how far I have come. 

And my God, I have come so far!

✨So world, today I am waking up feelin’ glorious✨

I am acknowledging for myself all the work that has been done, all the lessons learned and all the growth. I am acknowledging for myself that I CAN DO ANYTHING. 

I am waking up with this urge to remind YOU that wherever you are, no matter how dark and difficult it may feel, you CAN and you WILL find your way to the light. You will feel that sunrise and your internal fire start to roar and rise and blaze again...and you too will come to know YOU CAN DO ANYTHING...and when that moment comes, I promise you, YOU WILL FEEL GLORIOUS.