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Think Differently

Instead of thinking “when things go back to normal”, I’ve had to acknowledge that we will come out of this with a bit of a “new normal”. 

I’ve had to acknowledge that things likely will not “go back” exactly to how they once were. 

This is a time to create...create new traditions, create our new normal, create new habits.

This is a time to let go...to let go of our past, to let go of things and people that do not serve you, to let go of what we simply can not control. 

This is a time to grow...to grow out of things, to grow into new things, to plant the seeds that let your physical, emotional, and intellectual being blossom and grow through it all. 

This is a time to accept...to accept what we can’t change, to accept support, to accept love. 

It’s time to think about things differently. 

I’ve heard people say “what if this is happening FOR us and not TO us.” 

What IF it is? 

I’m all in on THAT thought so I’m using this time as best I know how to as my time to create, let go, accept, and grow. 

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