Own Your Edges
While my little ones and I played in the sunshine and splashed in the ocean this weekend, I found myself in awe of all the beauty that surrounded us 😍
💗The beautiful, fresh, salty air.
💗The beautiful crashing of the waves.
💗The beautiful sunshine.
💗The beautiful sound of little giggles.
The beautiful EVERYTHING...
I became mesmerized while watching the water flow over the small rocks, around the big rocks, winding and curving, forming edges, carving out the earth along its way out to sea 🌊
Just beautiful.
This got me thinking about life...
✨ This one life we get to live ✨ This one life
we get to love ✨
As we flow along moment to moment, day to day, year to year, and as we wind and curve our way through this adventure we call life, carving out our own path, we too form edges...
💥Some razor sharp and others soft and smooth as can be💥Some from battle wounds and others from major victories💥Some dark and some light💥
💫They are a part of us💫They are a part of who we are💫They are a part of our beautiful selves💫
And guess what?
(Insert vulnerable moment here ⬇️)
It has taken me 40 years, a lot of winding and curving, plenty of darkness and a ton of light, massive failures and giant successes along the way, but I am proud to say...I have finally learned what it is to REALLY love myself...like ALL the things that make me ME...ALL my edges❤️
💕Own your edges💕Own your imperfections💕Own your beauty, inside and out💕
...Or as John Legend so perfectly put it, “...Love your curves and all your edges, all your perfect imperfections...”