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Building Resiliency

As I prepare to revamp my Coaching offering this Fall, I am working through a new training course because I LOVE learning and personal growth, but most importantly, I believe in the age old saying, practice what you preach.

I recently sat on a panel for the National Association for Health Care Recruitment (NAHCR). The focus of the panel discussion was resiliency and finding ways to remain calm in the chaos. During the prep call for this panel, I was fortunate enough to meet Dr. Seth Hickerson, creator and founder of My Steady Mind, a Mindfulness and Resiliency Training for Performance.

You know when you meet someone new and they are just speaking your language? Everything they are saying is like a call from the Universe? You can’t wait to connect with them 1:1, dive in head first, and get to know more? Well that’s exactly how I felt as I listened to Dr. Hickerson share his perspectives on “wellness” and his solutions for helping others.

And so I did what my gut told me to do. I reached out to him via Linked In to express how great it was to connect and then I took a leap of faith. I shared with him that should he ever have an opening on his team, I would be very interested to join. I made the direct ask because what was the worst thing that could happen? He could say no or…he could say YES!

And guess what?

So here I am currently a student of the My Steady Mind training program before I officially join the My Steady Mind team part time as a Coach. (Don’t worry. I will still be doing 1:1 Coaching too!)

THAT is what happens when you listen to your gut, follow your heart, and take a leap of faith. Dreams become reality. I am living proof and you can be too!

I will not only gain new and amazing techniques to implement for my own 1:1 Coaching clients, but I will also be surrounding myself with some of the most exceptional, high performing Coaches in the industry who walk the walk instead of just talk the talk. This opportunity allows me to help even more individuals learn how to level up and optimize their performance both personally and professionally.


In the words of Dr. Hickerson, “My Steady Mind is a program designed to train you to manage your emotions, focus your mind, and perform at a higher level in your career and personal life.”

Thus far, the course is absolutely fantastic! There is SO. MUCH. GOODNESS. contained and I am so excited to begin implementing some of the exercises, techniques, and knowledge into my own 1:1 Coaching practice.

Which brings me to resiliency, the module I am working through right now.

In my own words, it is the ability to bounce back after something challenging or negative occurs.

Think of an egg and a tennis ball. When an egg drops to the ground (comes head to head with a challenge) it smashes into smithereens. The egg is destroyed. It has zero resilience. In contrast, when a tennis ball drops to the ground it bounces back up. The tennis ball displays resilience by bouncing back up over and over and over again. (Thanks My Steady Mind for that awesome example!)

So how do we become more like the tennis ball? How can we build resilience?

Did you know that the more “wins” you have in the morning, the higher the probability that you will have a day filled with success and positivity?

As you may have heard before, you either control the day or the day controls you. By “winning the morning”, you are building resilience and setting yourself up first thing to face and bounce back from any other challenges that may come your way during the day. So when you wake up each day, find a way to get comfortable in an uncomfortable circumstance. The more you do this, the more natural and comfortable you will become when you find yourself in uncomfortable, challenging, or negative circumstances. You are flexing your resiliency muscles, developing new habits, and before you know it you will find yourself naturally and more easily bouncing back, just like the tennis ball.

*Take a cold shower in the morning…even if it’s just the first 30 seconds of your shower. You can do it!

*Commit to journaling each morning

*Dedicate 15-30 minutes to take in good, positive content (no negatives allowed here!)

*Commit to 5-15 minutes of meditation in the morning. Make it simple by using guided meditations.

*Dedicate 5-15 minutes each morning to a new breathing technique

*Workout first thing in the morning

Choose just one new and uncomfortable thing each week that you will commit to every morning to win your day and then, go and do it! Take note of how you feel after completing your morning challenge. Do you feel stronger? More confident? More capable of tackling that dreaded task ahead in your day?

It’s simple… do one small thing each and every day that you know will make you better and voila, without even realizing it, you are building resiliency!

Be the tennis ball : )



PS - If you are interested in the My Steady Mind training program, use code “MSM25” for 25% off! Get started growing, learning, and improving your overall performance today!