“I empower individuals with proactive tools and techniques that make for positive forward progress and improved outcomes day to day.

Progress, not perfection. THAT is the goal.”

Curious to learn more about me?

The short story is…

I love empowering others to redefine their limits, realize their fullest potential, and experience more calm in their day to day. I REALLY LOVE doing this in the outdoors!

Ready to move from “Chaos” to “Calm”?

How Can I Help You?

  • I love speaking to groups large and small, in person and virtually, on topics such as mental fitness, resilience, mindset, and more.

    Learn more HERE.

  • Mental Fitness Coaching offers the opportunity for training to learn proactive tools and techniques that will move you from “chaos” to “calm”.

    Learn more HERE.

  • I offer a variety of Mental Fitness workshops available in person or virtually.

    Explore the full offering HERE.